18  Mutating data

Often the data you have will prompt questions that it doesn’t immediately answer. Election results, for example, have raw vote totals but we often don’t use those to make comparisons between candidates unless the numbers are small. We need percentages!

To do that in R, we can use dplyr and mutate to calculate new metrics in a new field using existing fields of data. That’s the essence of mutate - using the data you have to answer a new question.

So first we’ll import the tidyverse so we can read in our data and begin to work with it.


Now we’ll import a dataset of county-level gubernatorial results from Maryland’s 2022 general election that is in the data folder in this chapter’s pre-lab directory. We’ll use this to explore ways to create new information from existing data.

general_22 <- read_csv('data/md_gov_county.csv')
Rows: 24 Columns: 8
── Column specification ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
Delimiter: ","
chr (1): county
dbl (7): fips_code, cox, moore, lashar, wallace, harding, write_ins

ℹ Use `spec()` to retrieve the full column specification for this data.
ℹ Specify the column types or set `show_col_types = FALSE` to quiet this message.

Let’s add a column called percent_moore for the percentage of votes that went to Wes Moore, the Democratic candidate who won the election, in each county. The code to calculate a percentage is pretty simple. Remember, with summarize, we used n() to count things. With mutate, we use very similar syntax to calculate a new value – a new column of data – using other values in our dataset.

To calculate a percentage, we need both the number of votes for Moore but also the total number of votes. We’ll use mutate to create both columns. The first will be total votes. The key here is to save the dataframe to itself so that our changes stick.

general_22 <- general_22 |>
    total_votes = cox + moore + lashar + wallace + write_ins,
    pct_moore = moore/total_votes

But what do you see right away? Do those numbers look like we expect them to? No. They’re a decimal expressed as a percentage. So let’s fix that by multiplying by 100. Since we’re replacing the contents of our new pct_moore column, we can just update our previous code and run it again:

general_22 <- general_22 |>
    pct_moore = (moore/total_votes)*100

Now, does this ordering do anything for us? No. Let’s fix that with arrange.

general_22 <- general_22 |>
    pct_moore = (moore/total_votes)*100
  ) |> 

So now we have results ordered by pct_moore with the highest percentage first. To see the lowest percentage first, we can reverse that arrange function - we don’t need to recalculate the column:

general_22 |>
# A tibble: 24 × 10
   fips_code county       cox moore lashar wallace harding write_ins total_votes
       <dbl> <chr>      <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>     <dbl>       <dbl>
 1     24023 Garrett     8195  2402    194      52     138         0       10843
 2     24001 Allegany   13833  6390    279     143     267         0       20645
 3     24015 Cecil      18159  8691    472     155     311         0       27477
 4     24011 Caroline    6727  3276    176      56     140         0       10235
 5     24039 Somerset    3974  2254     67      46      81         0        6341
 6     24043 Washington 26943 15723    614     252     472         0       43532
 7     24013 Carroll    38969 25155   1515     436     561         0       66075
 8     24047 Worcester  13433  8550    273     121     161         0       22377
 9     24037 Saint Mar… 20279 13291    661     253     346         0       34484
10     24035 Queen Ann… 12840  8577    416     120     212         0       21953
# ℹ 14 more rows
# ℹ 1 more variable: pct_moore <dbl>

Moore had his weakest performance in Garrett County, at the far western edge of the state.

18.1 Another use of mutate

Mutate is also useful for standardizing data - for example, making different spellings of, say, campaign spending recipients.

Let’s load some Maryland state campaign expenditures into a maryland_expenses dataframe, and focus in particular on the payee_name column.

maryland_expenses <- read_csv("data/maryland_expenses.csv")
Rows: 97912 Columns: 14
── Column specification ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
Delimiter: ","
chr (12): expenditure_date, payee_name, address, payee_type, committee_name,...
dbl  (1): amount
lgl  (1): expense_toward

ℹ Use `spec()` to retrieve the full column specification for this data.
ℹ Specify the column types or set `show_col_types = FALSE` to quiet this message.
# A tibble: 97,912 × 14
   expenditure_date payee_name          address payee_type amount committee_name
   <chr>            <chr>               <chr>   <chr>       <dbl> <chr>         
 1 3/12/2021        <NA>                <NA>    Reimburse   350   Salling   Joh…
 2 3/29/2021        Dundalk Eagle News… PO Box… Business/…  329   Salling   Joh…
 3 4/29/2021        Dundalk Eagle News… PO Box… Business/…  400   Salling   Joh…
 4 5/18/2021        Dundalk Eagle News… PO Box… Business/…  350   Salling   Joh…
 5 6/9/2021         Dundalk Heritage F… Dundal… Business/…  200   Salling   Joh…
 6 6/9/2021         Dundalk Heritage F… Dundal… Business/…  250   Salling   Joh…
 7 6/1/2021         Neighborhood Signs  6655 a… Business/…   77.4 Salling   Joh…
 8 4/16/2021        <NA>                <NA>    Reimburse   150   Salling   Joh…
 9 7/1/2021         MSP CUSTOM SOL      1000 P… Business/…  238.  Salling   Joh…
10 7/2/2021         Squire's Restaurant 6723 H… Business/…  260   Salling   Joh…
# ℹ 97,902 more rows
# ℹ 8 more variables: expense_category <chr>, expense_purpose <chr>,
#   expense_toward <lgl>, expense_method <chr>, vendor <chr>, fundtype <chr>,
#   comments <chr>, x14 <chr>

You’ll notice that there’s a mix of styles: lower-case and upper-case names like “Anedot” and “ANEDOT”, for example. R will think those are two different payees, and that will mean that any aggregates we create based on payee_name won’t be accurate.

So how can we fix that? Mutate - it’s not just for math! And a function called str_to_upper that will convert a character column into all uppercase.

standardized_maryland_expenses <- maryland_expenses |>
    payee_upper = str_to_upper(payee_name)

There are lots of potential uses for standardization - addresses, zip codes, anything that can be misspelled or abbreviated.

18.2 A more powerful use

Mutate is even more useful when combined with some additional functions. Let’s keep rolling with our expenditure data. Take a look at the address column: it contains a full address, including the state, spelled out. It would be useful to have a separate state column with an abbreviation. We can check to see if a state name is contained in that column and then populate a new column with the value we want, using the functions str_detect and case_when. We can identify the state by the following pattern: a space, followed by the full name, followed by another space. So, ” Maryland “. The case_when function handles multiple variations, such as if the state is Maryland or the state is Texas, etc. Crucially, we can tell R to populate the new column with NA if it doesn’t find a match.

maryland_expenses_with_state <- maryland_expenses |>
    state = case_when(
        str_detect(address, " Maryland ") ~ "MD",
        str_detect(address, " California ") ~ "CA",
        str_detect(address, " Washington ") ~ "WA",
        str_detect(address, " Louisiana ") ~ "LA",
        str_detect(address, " Florida ") ~ "FL",
        str_detect(address, " North Carolina ") ~ "NC",
        str_detect(address, " Massachusetts ") ~ "MA",
        str_detect(address, " West Virginia ") ~ "WV",
        str_detect(address, " Virginia ") ~ "VA",
        .default = NA

There’s a lot going on here, so let’s unpack it. It starts out as a typical mutate statement, but case_when introduces some new things. Each line checks to see if the pattern is contained in the address column, followed by ~ and then a value for the new column for records that match that check. You can read it like this: “If we find ’ Maryland ’ in the address column, then put ‘MD’ in the state column” for Maryland and then a handful of states, and if we don’t match any state we’re looking for, make state NA.

We can then use our new state column in group_by statements to make summarizing easier.

maryland_expenses_with_state |>
  group_by(state) |>
  summarize(total = sum(amount)) |>
# A tibble: 10 × 2
   state     total
   <chr>     <dbl>
 1 MD    77723146.
 2 WA    15552127.
 3 VA    10519646.
 4 CA     3370284.
 5 FL     1470592.
 6 MA     1264728.
 7 NC      691006.
 8 LA      255522.
 9 WV       41088.
10 <NA>        NA 

Most expenditures seem to have occurred in Maryland, which makes sense, although we haven’t assigned a state for every transaction.

Mutate is there to make your data more useful and to make it easier for you to ask more and better questions of it.