Data Reporting

Course materials for MPJO-722-01, Georgetown University

This project is maintained by dwillis

MPJO-722-01: Data Reporting
Database Skills – SQL Joins; Congressional voting data
Assignments for Feb. 26

SQL: Using the Senate voting data, write SQL queries to answer the following questions. They may require 1, 2 or 3 tables to answer, so please look at the fields/data carefully to see what you have. If you’re not sure what a field name means, let me know.

Once you’ve done that, write queries to do the following, using wildcards (but not always), GROUP BY and joins:

  1. How many votes have all Republicans voting "Yes" and all Democrats voting "No"?
  2. Which Republican has voted "Yes" most often?
  3. Which Democrat has agreed with the republican majority position the most?
  4. Which senator has missed the most votes (the position is "Not Voting")?
  5. Which senators have been the only person to vote "No" on a vote, and how many times have they done it?

Email me both the votes.sqlite file as an attachment (don't export the data) and the SQL from your queries by 5:20 p.m. on Feb. 26.